Save hours every day by skipping the voicemail while still leaving a message. Create unlimited voicemail drop recordings, so you’ve got a message for every situation queued up and ready to drop with a single click.
Spend less time on repetitive tasks like leaving the same voicemail over and over again, and get back to actually talking to your prospects. Leave a professional, polished voicemail every time and follow-up automatically with an SMS message letting your prospect know you called by creating a cadence in the Kixie dashboard.
Time is money. Get more hours back from your day by pairing voicemail drop with other time-saving tools like SMS templates, follow-up cadences, and click-to-call. Kixie users that leverage all of these features see productivity increase by 25% or more.
With voicemail drop, you can record unlimited custom greetings. Make sure your voicemails are as targeted as possible by creating a new message for each of your buyer personas. All of your pre-recorded voicemails are available in the dashboard and the dialer.
Discover how Kixie can save you time and help you connect with more leads.
Leave the perfect voicemail every time, without “ums” or “uhs” holding you back. Record your message ahead of time, and drop it into your prospects’ inbox with the click of a button.
Learn MoreCreate as many pre-recorded voicemail messages as you’d like, so you’re prepared for any type of lead or situation. Simply choose which voicemail you’d like to leave from a drop down menu in the dialer.
Learn MoreGet hours of your day back each day by using voicemail drop, so you can get back to more important tasks. Spend less time talking to a voicemail box and more time speaking with actual leads.
All Features
The voicemail drop and prewritten SMS functionality saves valuable time when contacting new leads. Getting the information out to them that they need and not needing to leave the same VM over and over again is a valuable time leveraging tool.
Administrator in Renewables & Environment
Kixie has self-serve, out-of-the-box integrations with 25+ leading CRMs, helpdesks, conversation intelligence, automation platforms, and productivity tools. Webhooks and open API means our US-based team of experts will help you set up seamless integrations with thousands more.
Got a question? We’ve got answers. If you have some other questions, contact us here.