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How to Send a Sendoso eGift Card with a Kixie Call Outcome

In the dynamic world of sales and customer service, professionals are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance customer engagement and show appreciation. One such strategy involves integrating technology with thoughtful gestures, like sending personalized e-gift cards. This approach not only delights customers but also strengthens relationships, encouraging loyalty and positive feedback.

This article describes a practical application using Kixie’s platform and HubSpot CRM to automate the process of sending e-gift cards based on specific call outcomes. This method leverages webhooks and automation tools to streamline what could be a complex process, making it both efficient and personal.

How to Utilize Kixie’s Platform and HubSpot CRM for Customer Appreciation

Let’s explore a fun use case involving one of the best sections of the Kixie platform: webhooks. This involves sending a Sendoso e-gift card by logging a Kixie call outcome, and using HubSpot CRM. You can log your HubSpot call outcomes through the Kixie PowerCall. You’ll see all your HubSpot outcomes available on the dialer.

Step 1: Log the Call Outcome

The process works when you log the HubSpot call outcome of “send gift,” triggering a Kixie webhook. This is a dispositions webhook, meaning every time a call outcome gets logged from PowerCall, this webhook fires. It’s important to note that you’re filtering out all other disposition options so that this will only fire when “send gift” is logged through PowerCall. This allows you to send data anywhere, including data about your CRM contact (in this case, HubSpot), data about your user, and the logged disposition.

Setting Up Automation with Zapier for Personalized Sendoso eGifts

This automation does not need the Sendoso API to work. Instead, you’ll be using Zapier, HubSpot and Kixie.

Step 2: Trigger Zapier with Webhook

In Zapier, this gets triggered when the webhook goes out. You’ll notice all the data there, including the crucial piece, the contact ID. Using the contact ID, you can get the rest of the details about your actual CRM contact. Using a HubSpot action, you get the contact by the ID, and HubSpot returns all the information about this contact, including their email.

Step 3: Send Out the Sendoso eGift Card

The final step in this process is to send out the Sendoso eGift card. The event is to generate an e-gift link. You set this up by selecting the type of gift card you want to send out, say Uber Eats. You select the amount you want to send it for, and input the email address you’re sending it to, which you just got from HubSpot.

Incorporating this Sendoso integration method is an incredibly easy way for customer support reps to show customers how much they’re appreciated and valued. It’s a fun setup and easy to implement. If you can think of any other good use cases for Kixie webhooks or Sendoso corporate gifting, sharing them would be great. Stay tuned for more use cases.

The Impact of Technology on Customer Service and Engagement

In conclusion, the integration of Kixie’s platform with HubSpot CRM and the use of webhooks for sending Sendoso gift cards represents a powerful tool in the arsenal of sales and customer service professionals. This innovative approach not only simplifies the process of expressing gratitude to customers but also opens up new avenues for personalizing customer interactions.

By adopting such technologies, professionals can significantly enhance their customer engagement strategies, fostering stronger relationships and driving loyalty. This how-to guide underscores the importance of leveraging technology to create meaningful and memorable customer experiences, a key differentiator in today’s competitive market.

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