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How a Sales Engagement Platform Helps Your Reps Succeed

Your reps can only do so much on their own.

Cold calling, endless emails, unqualified leads that only wastes time—relying on outdated resources slows you down in the long run. However, if you can leverage the benefits of a sales engagement platform to streamline your team’s workflow, you’ll be in a much better position to crush your quotas.

Your success depends on how quickly you can connect with a lead and get them to convert. A sales engagement platform speeds up the process and puts you in a better position to increase your turnover month after month.

What is a Sales Engagement Platform?

First off, it’s important to know that a sales engagement platform is different than a customer relationship management tool (CRM).

A sales engagement platform is a system that integrates and enables you to quickly share information with customers, collect valuable insights on their behaviors and actions, and store that information within your CRM without having to punch things in manually.

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For instance, with Kixie, you have a dialer with full CRM integrations that work with all the major players—HubSpot, Salesforce, Zoho, Pipedrive. Rather than your reps wracking their brains over mountains of data after every call, Kixie compiles call data for them so that they can easily access contact names, emails, deal owners, and deal sizes. A sales engagement platform like Kixie also allows reps to see activity volumes within their CRM for SMS, phone calls, and voicemails.

Simply logging into the CRM activates Kixie’s capabilities and lets your team focus more time on closing leads. Managing a CRM by itself only creates a chore for your reps that doesn’t provide any actionable insights into what’s being put there, and that’s why a sales engagement platform takes your CRM to a whole new level of success.

Alongside a sales engagement platform, you also have the process of sales enablement. At first glance, some sales teams think these two terms are interchangeable, but in reality, they each contribute to a separate part of the sales process.

Sales Engagement vs. Sales Enablement: A Sales Engagement Platform Bridges the Gap

You have to consider the larger dilemma of sales engagement vs. sales enablement—an ongoing struggle that many sales teams may not fully understand.

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To help bridge the gap, you can look at sales engagement vs. sales enablement in one, simple way:

Sales engagement is the process of initiating relationships with customers—helping reps communicate effectively at a face pace with the right information to target qualified leads. Sales enablement is outfitting your reps with the right knowledge and training beforehand—training and coaching sessions, hiring the best reps for your salesforce, creating a solid funnel for reps to follow. Once these two terms work in tandem with each other, rather than butting heads, your team is in a much better position to

That said, a lot of sales teams think that the CRM is the source for kickstarting activity, however, they couldn’t be more wrong. Remember, a CRM is only a place to store and manage customer relationships. It does not help you start those relationships, nor does it provide your reps with the proper training to make those relationships grow.

What You Can Expect from a Sales Engagement Platform like Kixie

For that space in between sales engagement platforms and CRMs, Kixie offers you a blend of sales engagement and sales enablement tools that fits seamlessly with your CRM of choice.

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Not only do you gain CRM integrations without complex setup or programming, but you also gain other sales enablement tools, such as call coaching, analytics for sales cadences, as well as an AI local presence that spans across the globe to increase your percentage of pick-ups. Also, Kixie connects with multiple CRMs at once—not just one channel that forces you to lose out on other data insights you may want from another partner.

There are thousands of sales teams that rely on Kixie to gather their analytics, and then transform that customer data into consistent revenue. If you’re ready to ditch outdated strategies and empower your team with tools that inspire new growth, then Kixie is the sales engagement platform your team needs today.

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