Improve your customers’ calling experience. Queue up incoming calls and greet callers with their estimated wait time, place in the queue, and options to leave a voicemail or request a callback.
Don’t stress if you have more incoming calls than available agents. Inbound call queues greet callers and share estimated wait time, their place in the queue, and the option to leave a voicemail or get a callback.
Eliminate endless ringing, going straight to voicemail, and indefinite call waiting times. Keep your callers informed and calm with in-queue messaging and options.
Choose from multiple toggle-on call queue options, including turn on agent DND after missed call, auto-answering callbacks, and assigning agent ownership on answer.
Discover how Kixie can save you time and help you connect with more leads.
Improve transparency by letting customers know how long they may need to wait before speaking to an agent.
Learn MoreGive customers more flexibility by allowing them to request a callback from your business instead of waiting on hold.
Learn More
Mainstreaming calls incoming for better customer service and historical record keeping is key in the industry our company is in. The main benefit is that we don’t have to have all agents in one location, so portability is great!
Diogo P. | Customer Service Manager
Kixie has self-serve, out-of-the-box integrations with 25+ leading CRMs, helpdesks, conversation intelligence, automation platforms, and productivity tools. Webhooks and open API means our US-based team of experts will help you set up seamless integrations with thousands more.
Got a question? We’ve got answers. If you have some other questions, contact us here.